I want to thank everyone in the audience, whether in this room or online, for attending my PhD thesis defense and thank to the jury, Madame Sarti, Mister Mangolte, Mister Lairez, and huge thanks to Alice Garbagnati and Davide Cesare Veniani, reviewers of this thesis.
I also want to thank my advisor Xavier Roulleau without whom none of this would have been possible.
My thesis is entitled a computer-based algorithmic approach to the study of
this presentation has been structured around two axes.
- One focuses on the automorphism aspect of this thesis,
- the other part focuses on basics of the parallel computing aspect
So, let’s set things up let’s set things up
Compact complex surfaces with trivial canonical divisor and irregularity equal to one are called K3 surfaces.
K3 surfaces constitute a central object of study in pure mathematics and form a fertile ground for the application of many theoretical tools. As indicated by Simion Filip, K3 surfaces provide a meeting ground for algebraic geometry, differential geometry, arithmetic, and dynamics.
One point that is of particular interest for us and that it not mentioned in this citation is that K3 surfaces can be defined in the framework of lattice theory. It is indeed well known that the second cohomology group with integers coefficients of a
A fundamental theorem in the theory of
We recall that the Néron-Severi group of a variety is the group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence and that this group is isomorphic to the Picard lattice in the case of K3 surfaces (exponential exact sequence).
With these considerations in mind, we can now introduce the goals defined by our advisor Xavier Roulleau that we had to complete to achieve this doctoral project.
We were tasked with the study of K3 surfaces, X_t, having Néron-Severi group isomorphic to the lattice with Gram matrix of size 3×3, diagonal coefficients 2t, -2, -2, non-diagonal coefficients zero, for an integer parameter t, say contained in the interval 1,2,3, 4, 5, …, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty.
In particular, for each such value of t, we had to compute the Automorphism Groups of these surfaces, and find, an upper bound on the number of orbits of classes of smooth rational curves under the action of $\aut(X_t).
Standing in front of this audience, I am pleased to announce today that, following this thesis, all this can be done with full automation, without having to break a sweat.
To achieve these goals, we used a computer-based algorithmic approach and ended up with tools having a scope of application and purpose going way beyond what had been initially envisioned during the early days of this thesis.
With a little demonstration, let me show you that :
- All the objectives defined to achieve this thesis have been met.
- The scope of application of the tools used to do so is indeed very wide.
It won’t take more than a minute.
So, here are to
This strategy consists in implementing programs in such a way that all steps that would normally have to be taken to study K3 surfaces, for instance, computing automorphism groups, orbits of smooth rational curves, projective models, the fundamental domain of the action of the automorphism group onto the nef cone, unirationality, equations, can be fully automatized.
Our first contact with this way of doing things dates back to two thousand nineteen. Xavier Roulleau produced a Magma program SmoothRationalCurves, released along his twenty nineteen article.
i have to mention that
Thus, we see that this thesis ended up at the interface
A decade ago, Ichiro Shimada, from Hiroshima University, tried to launch a new trend: The computational study of K3 surfaces, in the broader framework of the computational analysis of algebraic geometry.
In particular, Professor Shimada wrote two articles that significantly impacted this thesis.
An algorithm to compute automorphism groups of
and an application to singular
Projective models of the supersingular
Shimada’s 2013 article introduces an Algorithmic method, called the Borcherds’ method, to compute a generating set of the automorphism group of a complex
Shimada’s 2012 article provides guidelines regarding a lot of algorithmic material, in particular, a short lattice vectors enumerator, among other things, with HUGE, really massive UNTAPPED potential. AmpTester, PModChecker.
That is, The trend initiated by Shimada, that is, the computer-based study of
Giacomo Mezzedimi, in his PhD thesis defended in late 2021, indicates, when referring to Shimada’s twenty-thirteen article on automorphisms, that
“Shimada presents an algorithm to compute the automorphism group of these K3 surfaces; however the full automorphism group can only be computed for a finite number of Picard lattices”
Giacomo Mezzedimi, PhD thesis
implying that the scope of application of Shimada’s material is limited to particular cases, and is clearly finite.
Shimada’s algorithm in fact opens the door to an infinite number of possibilities of study.
However, no one can blame Mezzedimi for his statement: Shimada’s article. as we indicate in the introduction to this thesis, Shimada’s article was not generalist and focused on examples without explicitly highlighting a general application framework for Borcherds’ method.
In addition, many grey areas surrounded the steps that have to be taken to implement essential procedures described in Shimada’s article.
Various fundamental aspects crucial to the generalization, optimization, and implementation of the processes were often ignored or treated in a minimalist way.
From an industrial, automated, and generalist point of view, Shimada’s groundbreaking article offered considerable possibilities for continuation: Shimada provides building blocks, guidelines, and hints regarding various procedures. His article is a bit like a puzzle. We modernized, enhanced, generalized and built all the missing pieces that we identified and even We opened a bridgehead towards future developments, by adding a modern and trendy flavor to Shimada’s material by making it ready for parallel/cloud computing on various levels.
We produced user-friendly solutions that can be used as a basis by other researchers.
Will release publicly all the programs produced during this thesis after the defense.
Before proceeding further, we introduce the main notations used from now until the end of this presentation.
We will now explain the mechanics behind Shimada’s vision regarding the Borcherds’ method.
Whenever the complex
The idea is that, when the surface satisfies certain conditions, then general theory ensures that all the information regarding the automorphism group of
The purpose of the Borcherds’ method consists in retrieving this information, to finally return a generating set of
Using basic logic, we derived a generalized criterion from Shimada’s 2013 article to identify generators of
More precisely, we provide a generalized criterion to identify transformation of a group
Using this criterion, BM the Borcherds’ method explores and processes the chamber structure to enumerate all the potential automorphisms.
The goal consists in obtaining a complete set of representatives of congruence classes of chambers contained in
As indicated by the name, the chamber structure over
It is made of chambers. First, let’s explain how to set up a chamber structure on
The Néron-Severi group of X is assumed to be embedded primitively into an even hyperbolic lattice. The latter is chosen according to the Picard number of X, as specified in the lattice table A chamber structure on
How can we obtain a chamber structure on
We are now going to understand why we had to embed
The collection of intersections of
Once this
As we indicated at the beginning of this section, the BM explores and processes the chamber structure over
Thus, we have to make sure that the BM starts its exploration from within
Providing the Method with the Weyl vector of an initial chamber contained in
Finding a chamber having such properties is, however, very hard.
We have 2 tools, which, when combined, enable us to deal with this issue :
Non-degeneracy test : DegenTest
The embedding update procedure.
The following little “animation” enables us to understand what happens when the BM is not provided with an initial chamber contained in